First Central I-Score
Get credit ratings for individuals
Sample request BVN: 12345678901 and 98765432101
Request Parameters​
Name | Position | Required | Description |
token | Headers | True | app public key |
bvn | query | True | user bvn |
Example Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'token: {{token}}'
"status": true,
"data": {
"_id": "62a4c8xxxxxxxxxx34f596ce",
"bvn": "12345678901",
"customerId": "556xxxx67",
"businessId": "6289xxxxxxxx13f4d10f",
"name": "John Doe",
"phone": "081123467890",
"gender": "Male",
"dateOfBirth": "12/05/1988",
"address": "49 Afolobi Brown Street Akoka Yaba Lagos",
"email": "",
"searchedDate": "2022-07-06T08:42:04.499Z",
"score": {
"totalConsumerScore": "697",
"description": "MEDIUM RISK",
"totalAccounts": "45",
"scoreDate": "07/01/2023",
"noOfAcctScore": "55/55",
"totalaccountinGoodcondition": "39",
"totalaccountinBadcondition": "6",
"totalOutstandingDebt": "280,567.00",
"totalAccountarrear": "7",
"totalAmountOverdue": "278,734.00",
"repaymentHistoryScore": "170/192",
"totalAmountOwedScore": "49/165",
"typesOfCreditScore": "40/55",
"lengthOfCreditHistoryScore": "83/83",
"totalForeignOutstandingDebt": "0.00",
"totalForeignAccounts": "0",
"firstCentralEnquiryResultID": "32867431",
"firstCentralEnquiryEngineID": "34525076"
"message": "Request successful",
"error": false
No credit data found for the bvn
"status": false,
"message": "No credit data available for this borrower",
"error": true,
"data": {}